
Just as you would shampoo your own hair first, it is also essential to clean leather before applying a conditioner. This ensures that the surface of the leather is free from grease and dirt and therefore porous to accept a conditioner.

With regular use of this powerful 2 step combo, comes peace of mind that leather will remain healthy, safe and long-lasting.

Belvoir® Step 1 Tack Cleaner is specially formulated to quickly and effortlessly eliminate grease and dirt, ensuring it doesn’t excessively wet the leather or harm the stitching.

Belvoir® Step 2 Tack Conditioner is a soap spray, formulated with glycerine, imparts a glossy, protective sheen to the leather. The applied coating not only nourishes the leather but also fills and seals its pores. This process creates a barrier that guards against salt, dirt, grease, and water, preserving the integrity of the leather.

 Designed to keep your tack safe, comfortable and prolong its lifespan       

BELVOIR® Step 1 Cleaner Application    

  • Spray the BELVOIR® Cleaner directly onto the leather surface and then wipe it clean. For stubborn grease, allow the product to remain in contact for 5 minutes. If there is mold present, ensure that the cloth used is not reused and is disposed of away from leather items.


BELVOIR® Step 2 Conditioner Application                 

  • Apply BELVOIR® Conditioner uniformly onto freshly cleaned leather and gently massage it in with a cloth or sponge. Once dry, polish the leather using a soft, dry cloth.                                               
  • Avoid using on aniline or untreated leather, suede, or nubuck. Always perform a test on a hidden area before use.